Sunday, January 9, 2011


Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long between posts. I've been sick the last week or so and just super tired. I also have failed on several occasions to take photos of my fabulous quilt. I can say that with confidence, as the recipient has told me repeatedly how much she loves it. She goes to sleep under it, wakes up and wraps up in it and takes it with her most every where.

The next project on my list is a stocking that has been five years in the making. I need to make my nephew a Christmas stocking. His sister has one and he doesn't. Top it off that he's my godson and it's just so much worse. His birthday is in two weeks. I have set that as my deadline. We'll see. It requires four items that are cross-stitched, then pieced together, with decorative, embroidered top-stitching. D'oh! I just packed up my daughters, that I could have posted some pics of. I also have a request from friends of ours to make THEM stockings. I started off making stockings for all the kiddo's in my life that were being born. Well, then, life caught up with me. Some have fallen by the wayside. The parents of one of my stocking recipients is placing a request on me to make some for them as well. I think this will be the year of the stocking.

We are also going to be starting on making hats and scarves for some local homeless as part of my knit/crochet group. One of the outreach programs our church is part of is providing lunches to some local homeless. Our church takes a rotating responsibility, I'm not sure how often, maybe every three or four months. Our little knit/crochet group likes to do charity projects. This winter has been pretty cold here in the Sacramento Valley, almost unusually cold. Tomorrow I'm going to work on a hat and scarf proto-type for my group.

Alright, enough blogging. Now, I've got to get down to some serious cross-stitching.