I also bought some beautiful yarn yesterday at Babetta's Yarn and Gifts and would like to upload pictures onto my Ravelry account. It's really yummy and I can't wait to find projects to make with it.
What I'm working on now is a little snuggly suit for one of my dogs. It's going along pretty well. I hope to be finished with it today. I got stuck with the directions, but worked my way through. Which is a good thing, since I don't have anyone I can really ask for advice.
The weather here is rainy. This is good, and bad. I live right against the Sacramento River, so whenever it gets high, there is some flooding, somewhere. Ideally, it happens where it's supposed to; in the weirs. I love this time of year for the new past time that is created: river watch. It starts with watching the river for debris. If you see debris coming down the river, that means it's on the rise. The rising waters have reached trees and such that were previously above the water line. Now they are getting carried away. Then there's Watching the River Level. There is a little building right next to the bridge that displays the current river level. People drive by all during the day, just to check the level. My dad started me on this when I was young. Once it reaches 63 feet or so, you don't just check the bridge, you also drive out over the Colusa Weir. There you can see more debris and admire how swift the river is. The third stage is when the Moulton Weir flows. Once the river hits around 66 or 67 feet at the Colusa Bridge, there is this additional weir that flows, blocking the road to Gridley.
All this is fascinating right? Well, anyway, it is to me; a native Colusan. So, if you'll excuse me, it rained all night last night, so I've got a river level to check.